Monday, May 20, 2013

Anne Carson reading

She was pretty wild. To me, she felt very distant, but I got the feeling, too, that we were both in on a special secret. I think it was just how she talked, with a kind of assertive whisper. I'd never read any Proust before, and she basically spoiled it for me and others who also hadn't read it. I still want to read it, though.
Her sense of humor was pretty odd. But she owned all of it, everything she did, and that's what I liked most about her.
I also liked the range of the poetry she performed. At times, goofy and even absurd, and other times tender and possibly breathtaking.
Oh yeah! the pattern of the backdrop in Cemex is really nauseating. Until I heard people mention it the next day in class I was convinced that my eyesight was going. This actually cast a hypochondriac-induced shadow over the whole performance  for me. It's a fucking terrible backdrop. Especially from the balcony.

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