Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sierra's Bio

Hey, my name is Sierra Freeman. I'm a Sophomore majoring in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing an minoring in Spanish, because why not throw one more language in there. I'm originally from Manteca, California which is this little town just below Stockton (rated the nation's #1 most miserable city, yay us). I should have more street smarts for living there than I actually do, but I count my losses.

I've always really loved writing, and it was something I could do all on my own (without the input of my sister and three brothers) and so I decided to major in it. I also made the decision last year to start doing more stuff to fuel my writing because as a couple people have mentioned, we write from what we know and I was super sheltered. Given that, my stories were also about as flavorful as the original Malt-o-Meal. That change in mindset has led me to South America and me making poor decisions that eventually lead to good stories.

As for whether there can be such a thing as a new story...I'd have to say no. I feel as though every story has been told. You might ask what the point is in continuing writing if every tale has been exhaustively written, then. However, I think only subject matter has been exhausted, but how we each approach a story and tell it through our unique experiences makes it a new story in its own right. If I tell a story about my first day of kindergarten, it will be immensely different from someone's first day thirty years ago, because they didn't have my awesome Razor scooter that I fell off in the intersection that made a car stop suddenly that caused a pileup...and so on. (That was just an example, I would never do anything so reckless and I also didn't have a awesome scooter.) Everyone has a "First Day of Kindergarten Story," but only I, and only you, have ours.

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